My Thoughts on James Gillcrist And Bowie Bergdahl

Paul D.Tinsley

Paul D.Tinsley

MR. James Gillcrist in a recent article in the” Daily Beast” is in the opinion that bowie bergdahl has suffered enough. Deserters and traitors thru out history have only one ending. That is the firing squad. Obama gave five Terrorist there freedom for a traitor what is the truth in that. Once Bergdahl starts walking the streets he will begin his terrorist plots herein this country, he clams is his home that he pledged to give his life for, but instead he walked away in the cover of nite while in the service of this country. Mr Gillcrist if you think he has suffered enough you dishonor all the United States service men that have died in  all wars. You dishonor your citizenship in this country. Soldiers have not the freedom to go walking off. He was not captured he surrendered to the enemy. If he did not want to serve this country to the death he had the choice not to take his oath, but he did. You while thinking he must be let to walk free. Is an injustice to all service men. Our military is headed down the toilet by people of your liberal thoughts. Solders fight and gave  there lives  to give you the freedom to mouth off what you think. Beware the terrorist that are here in this country now that were allowed to walk in thru a open border. Beware the so called innocent man  you say that spent five years learning to make war against this country.


Climate Change or Terrorist What is The Threat.


From his National Security Strategy report.
Obama declares “declaring climate change “an urgent and growing threat to our national security.”

Wake up Mr Obama terrorist and illegals walking across our border is what the threat is today.
They are bringing drugs and diseases and you are opening the door .

Dr Elizabeth Vliet states that “ the risks from diseases being brought over the border are being dramatically downplayed. Why do we think that the diseases are just popping up. Its not From our children being vaccinated our not. It is from the illegals walking them in.

Rep. Mo Brooks from Alabama states in a recent interview that these undocumented immigrants are causing the death of our children.

Wake up Mr Obama.

The Canadian government blames the current US outbreak on “imported cases.”

Radio host Rush Limbaugh says the focus on vaccinations in the wake of the measles outbreak is a “leftist Democratic trick” to divert attention from the presidents DOA budget plan.

Obama s open border policy is has brought this disease in and he is to blame for the deaths of our children.

IN these cases there are very little proof or none I believe mostly covered up to hide these facts.

We need a program in place where each person is heard and there words counted. Oh we do its our election process. The only problem is our voices are not heard and two our three think they know what we the people want. They don’t. I call for a national wide call on the White house and says please for the good of the country resign Obama, resign Nancy Pelosi and please retire Mr Reed.
